Teachers of Pedagogics and Psychology Section

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Teachers of the section introduce innovative methods of teaching and person-based approach in teaching, conduct lectures and seminars and compile methodological recommendations tasks for individual work of students. They organize trainings, seminars and workshops on various topics as well as actively participate in different meetings of these kinds as well. Teachers are eager to share their knowledge with the students. The teachers differentiate the tasks for talented students and students with special needs. They create positive atmosphere for personal development of themselves and their students.

Lecturers' schedule

The Shevchenko’s Days

06.04.2020 | 16:47

Every year Ukrainians celebrate the Shevchenko’s Days on March, 9 – 10. These are the days of birth and death of the great Ukrainian genius.  In 2020 Ukraine commemorates 206th anniversary of birth.  On these days people all over the country recite the verses to honor the memory of Taras Shevchenko, an outstanding Ukrainian poet, writer and artist.
Oksana Sobolevska, the teacher of Ukrainian language, had a lesson with the first year students, the specialty of “Primary education” who studied Shevchenko’s...

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155th anniversary of the first public performance of Ukraine National Anthem

09.02.2018 | 14:57

In March 10, 2020 Students and Teachers of Pedagogical College Ivan Franko National University of Lviv participated in the solemn occasion – 155th anniversary of the first public performance of Ukraine National Anthem.
"This event has become traditional and symbolic for Lviv residents. Participation in
the celebration was attended by representatives of public organizations, city authorities,
clergy, Lviv citizens and guests», - was said in Lviv City Council.
Ukrainian national anthem dates back to the fall of 1862 when ethnographer, folklorist and poet Pavlo...

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Thanksgiving letter

09.02.2018 | 14:56

Thanks giving letter to the staff of the College and to the students for the performance given to the sick children. Sent by children’

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From the heart

05.01.2018 | 11:43

January, 4, 2018 representatives of students union visited Lviv
geriatric house. It was a great opportunity to bring joy and some merry spirit to the people of age and to see a happy smile on their faces.

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Зустріч з Володимиром Луцівим

26.05.2017 | 12:48


24 травня у Дзеркальній залі Університету відбулася зустріч із видатним співаком і бандуристом, відомим культурно-гормадським діячем Володимиром Луцівим (Великобританія, Лондон). Ініціаторами зустрічі виступили факультет педагогічної освіти та Педагогічний коледж. Модераторами зустрічі стало подружжя Олесі та Ореста Цимбали.
Заступник декана факультету педагогічної освіти Галина Крохмальна привітала учасників зустрічі, наголосила на унікальній нагоді поспілкуватися з маестро В.  Луцівим, побажала усім плідного та цікавого діалогу. Присутні мали можливість переглянути відеосюжет про життєвий та творчий шлях гостя і послухати в аудіо-запису пісні у його виконанні.

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