
          The History Pedagogical College of Lviv Ivan Franko National University

is one of the oldest educational institutions of Ukraine.

It started as a State Teacher Female Seminary on the statute basis approved by Austrian Ministry of Religion and Education in Vienna and The Order of Regional School Council # 1740 from 25th February 1871 in Lviv. It was the time of educational reform which started in 1868. Ukrainian primary schools lacked teachers and the seminary trained them successfully and qualitatively. The first graduates of the seminary – primary school teachers were sent to schools of the city and region. Future pre-school teachers got the opportunity to study at the female seminary situated on Skarbivska Street (now Lesi Ukrainky Street) in 1875.

A new main building of the institution was built on Sakramentok St. 7 in 1895-1900. The architect was Hryhoriy Pezhansky. The style was pseudo Gothic. It is Tuhan-Baranovskoho Street, 7 now.

In 1933 teachers’ seminary was named the first state pedagogical lyceum according to the order of Polish Government # 389 from 11th March 1932 about schooling system and the order of Minister of Education and Religion # 281 from 1st April 1933. In 1939 the lyceum was reorganized into Lviv Pedagogical school # 1 training teachers of 1-4 grades.

In 1949 the school was named Lviv Pedagogical Training School which was transformed into Pedagogical College of Lviv Ivan Franko National University in 1999 as a structural department on the faculty rights.